Performance of Levee System at Flood Stage

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  • 超過外力に対する河川堤防の耐水性能評価と流域減災システムへの適用に関する研究

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This study was motivated by the October 2004 levee-breaching case in the Maruyama River that took place under extremely high flood stage. The overflow and outburst brought about a range of sedimentary features to an adjacent paddy field with clayey subsoil. They included a plunge pool and two massive particulate ridges which were formed on either side of the central erosion-dominant zone. The breaching-induced topographical changes were precisely measured using digital photogrammetry and incorporated into a geographical information system (GIS), facilitating an analysis of the sediment budget. The severity of the inundating water was assessed based on a bedload transport theory, with the observation that only the large clay lumps were left on the central erosion-dominant zone. Furthermore, a discussion is made of the usefulness and limitations in a specially designed yet print-based, geomorphological classification map for the flood-prone Maruyama River basin that has witnessed land-use evolution over the past thirty years since its initial publication.


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    departmental bulletin paper
  • Data Source
    • IRDB
    • CiNii Articles

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