サンフランシスコ統合学区における学力向上政策 : Balanced Scorecard に焦点をあてて


  • New Approach for Assessing Outcomes in San Francisco Unified School District: Driving Improvement with a Balanced Scorecard
  • サンフランシスコ トウゴウ ガック ニ オケル ガクリョク コウジョウ セイサク Balanced Scorecard ニ ショウテン オ アテテ



This paper examines the current educational effort, adopting the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The BSC is a goal-setting and accountability tool that all schools (and eventually district departments) in the San Francisco Unified School District build to describe the efforts of each individual school site in meeting the goals and objectives of their respective district's Strategic Plan. It ensures that schools are focusing on key strategic actions to improve student achievements for all students and to disrupt the historic power of demographics. Mainly, student test scores now serve as the prevailing achievement. The BSC offers schools and the community at large the opportunity to design alternative measures. The importance of engaging the school community and all stakeholders in discussions to gain a shared understanding has been stressed. However, many difficulties confront the adoption of this new approach, which includes ensuring consistency, selection of evaluation methods, increased burdens on educators, and personnel allocation. It is contemplated that with more measures to assess performance, greater levels of accountability and school performance can also be achieved. The implementation of BSC in the San Francisco Unified School District began in 2009, and it deserves continued attention.


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