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- キョウドウクミアイ ニヨル ケンセツ リサイクル ノ イノベーション
- Why has construction-waste recycling developed in the Tokyo metropolitan area?
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1 はじめに : 適切な環境規制が企業にイノベーションを誘発するというポーター仮説をめぐる先行研究では、環境問題を抜本的に解決するような事前対応型のイノベーションが重視されてきた。その一方で、現実に生じている環境問題を解決するような事後対応型イノベーションに対する関心は低く、成功事例に基づく実証研究が十分になされているとは言いがたい。また、環境規制と競争優位の獲得が必ずしもトレード・オフの関係ではないとするポーター仮説の問題意識は、動脈産業の企業(以下、動脈企業と略記)だけに向けられるものであろう。……
This study investigates the factors behind the progress in the recycling of mixed construction wastes in the Tokyo metropolitan area. With the economic downturn, issues arose concerning the recycling of mixed construction wastes that interfered with the recycling process, such as delinquent businesses engaging in illegal dumping of refuse. However, numerous efforts have been made to solve these issues by the cooperative association of interim disposal management contractors. There are also plans to introduce a manifest system and to adjust commission fees to appropriate amounts. In addition, local governments in the outer areas of the Tokyo metropolitan area have enacted regulations for final landfill through the introduction of a prior consultation system, with the aim to preemptively prevent illegal dumping. Furthermore, with the cooperative association as the foundation, the efforts made to expand the recycling market proved significant. Accordingly, once the recycling impasse was broken and the technological development of waste sorting machines was taken into consideration, the recycling of mixed construction wastes proceeded to expand considerably.
- 経営研究
経営研究 65 (2), 25-45, 2014-08
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001202446640512
- NII Article ID
- 110009821527
- NII Book ID
- AN00069015
- 04515986
- 025794185
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles