大量死と敗戦 : 「戦記もの」を書くということ


  • タイリョウシ ト ハイセン センキモノ オ カク トイウコト
  • Publications of War Memoirs as Paper Cenotaphs : Mass Death and the Defeat :The Meaning of Writing War Memoirs




War memoirs by ordinary soldiers on the Philippines alone numbered more than 1,300. What motivated the publication of such a vast number of memoirs? Was it because there was such a wide gap between the soldiers' expectations and the reality they had to face upon returning to their home country after the war? Did they expect to be honored and publicly recognized for their service and sacrifices? Were these expectations in sharp contrast with the reality of cold treatment? Were there other reasons and motives? This paper tried to answer these questions by looking into what the respective authors tried to express through writing and publishing their war memoirs. War memoirs can be called "paper cenotaphs.” People wrote them wishing for "heiwa" [peace] so that the deaths of those who were deified as "e'irei" [souls of the dead soldiers] and who died a "gyokusai" [dying a hero's death] won't be forgotten. If these three words are used without much thought, the war survivors cannot help but feel alienated. The war survivors have never been freed from the trauma of the war because they witnessed the mass deaths including those who died of illness before they even engaged in fighting and because they were not able to say these deaths were not in vain, for they had fought in nothing but an "unjust war."


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 63 87-107, 2012-03


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