シュルレアリスムとドキュメンタリストの眼 : 1920-30年代のシュルレアリスムにおける観察への志向


  • シュルレアリスム ト ドキュメンタリスト ノ メ 1920-30 ネンダイ ノ シュルレアリスム ニオケル カンサツ エノ シコウ
  • The Documentarist's Eye in Surrealism : Observational Attitude of Surrealism in Paris(1920-30s)




Surrealism has been called a “modernist art movement', which invented unique techniques of expression such as automatic writing and collage. It is thought by many that the surrealist project to connect everyday experiences with artistic creations failed because the techniques ceased being extraordinary. This assumption can be called into question by pointing out the importance of 'observation' in Surrealism, which is also to be found in documentary film making. The main objective of surrealism is indeed observation', which is based on the intersection of unconscious, automatic recordings, and the conscious act of their juxtaposition. This intersection is also the crux of documentary film making that emerged in the same period as Surrealism. Especially in their works on 'surrealist objects' and writings about 'objective chance', surrealists were concerned with the contemporary documentarist approach to represent alternative, extended reality - surreality. It was expected that the association between everyday life and creations of art in surrealism would be demonstrated through such documentarist approach.


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 65 137-159, 2014-03


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