『他人を見下す若者たち』の性格的特徴 -仮想的有能感と5因子性格検査の関連-


  • Personality Characteristics of Adolescents Undervaluing Others -The Relationship of the Assumed-Competence to the Big Five-
  • タニンヲミオロスワカモノタチ




Following the recent notice of Assumed-Competence conceptualized as undervaluing others in order to describe well contemporary adolescents' behaviors, the present study elucidated its relationship to the Big Five dimensions of personality. Two hundred and forty-two undergraduates rated themselves on the measure of assumed-competence, self-esteem, and personality. Preliminary examination clarified that a tendency of undervaluing others positively correlated to Openness while negatively correlated to Agreeableness of the Big Five. In addition, the participants were classified into 4 competence types based on crossing scores of the Assumed-Competence and Self-Esteem scales: atrophic, self-esteemed, omnipotent, and assumed. Those who were categorized in assumed competence type rated the highest on Neuroticism and the lowest on Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, which was the opposite pattern of self-esteemed type. They exhibited no significant difference from those in atrophic type, but higher on Neuroticism while lower on Extroversion than those in omnipotent type. Discussed are some issues for future research in terms of personality characteristics exerted to enhance the quality of their social and occupational life, and then to improve their own well-being


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