Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency : Toward a Conceptual Model of Communicative and Sociolinguistic Frameworks


  • 複雑さ・正確さ・流暢さ : コミュニケーションと社会言語学枠組に基づいて概念的なモデールへ
  • フクザツサ セイカクサ リュウチョウサ コミュニケーション ト シャカイ ゲンゴガク ワクグミ ニ モトズイテ ガイネンテキナ モラール エ



This article furthers consideration of complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF) begun in a previous paper by expanding the context of CAF from a second language acquisition CAF curriculum to a broader pedagogic curriculum, and in so doing, proposes a view of CAF that incorporates sociolinguistic theory and communication theory. The contents revisit the literature review of research on CAF, pointing first to the current focus of CAF as an assessment tool of task performance in highly controlled settings and then outlining initial attempts that have been made in re-defining, refining, and differentiating the varied constructs within CAF. The paper then briefly outlines and assesses attempts that have been undertaken to contextualize CAF on the basis of complexity theory. This expansion of CAF from use as an assessment tool or curriculum guide in developing learning tasks to a coupling with theory ultimately reveals how interconnected CAF is with constructs of communication and socio-linguistics theory. The paper closes by proposing that rather than attempting to develop CAF on the basis of complexity, more meaningful models can be constructed that incorporates specific potential communicative and sociolinguistic frameworks.

弘前大学教育学部紀要. 108, 2012, p.19-30


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