Course Design for EFL Teacher Education


  • 英語教師教育のコース・デザイン
  • エイゴ キョウシ キョウイク ノ コース デザイン




In Japan teacher training practices for English language teaching (ELT) seem to have received relatively little attention. Today, however, Japanese teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) are involved in a large scale of educational reform in a fashion that fundamentally affects higher education. This paper aims to study some approaches to teacher preparation and development, and also the design process and key design issues of an EFL teacher education course. The authors discussed three approaches to teacher education, identified issues to be considered in the design of teacher education courses, considered the theoretical and practical content of teacher education courses, and referred to the methodology for delivering teacher education courses. As a result, an overview of the key issues of an EFL teacher education course was presented and some implications for new approaches were considered. A teacher education course will be the product of the designers' and deliverers' training and educational philosophy, and a course design should be based on coherent and valid principles.

弘前大学教育学部紀要. 95, 2006, p.103-112


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