

  • チョイスゲーム オ モチイタ シャカイジン キソリョク ノ コウカ ソクテイ
  • Effect Measurements of Fundamental Competencies for Working Persons using CHOICE GAME



In this paper, effect measurements of Fundamental Competencies for Working Persons (:FCWP) using CHOICE GAME are addressed. In February, 2006, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry defined the basic abilities required in working together with various people in the workplace and in the local communities as "Fundamental Competencies for Working Persons" which consist of the following three competencies (12 competency factors), (1) Ability to step forward (action); (2) Ability to think through (thinking); (3) Ability to work in a team (teamwork), at a committee comprising of intellectuals in the businesses and universities. We adopted a new card game, CHOICE GAME, into a lesson and measured the effectiveness of FCWP by questionnaires. As the result, the following 4 competency factors, (1) Initiative; (2)Ability to listen closely and carefully; (3) Ability to grasp situations; (4) Ability to control stress, were improved.


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