鳥類レッドリスト種保護における政策基準の必要性 - クマタカを事例として -
- タイトル別名
- チョウルイ レッドリストシュ ホゴ ニ オケル セイサク キジュン ノ ヒツヨウセイ クマタカ オ ジレイ ト シテ
- Necessity of a policy standard for Red List of Threatened Species birds: the case of Spizaetus nipalensis
Information about the habitats of birds, rare fauna and flora is being gathered in an attempt to avoid critical situations, including extermination . In Japan, the Red Data Book (RDB) and policy decisions related to preserving domestic species by the law for the conservation of endangered wild auna and flora contain some of this information. In addition, some counter-measures for the threatened species protection have been advanced in each prefecture. However, a policy for protection in large area is still necessary, because birds with long-distance flight capacity often live in/fly around over neighboring prefectures or wider areas.In this paper, based on our investigation of prefectural ordinances, we discuss the need for a policy standard. We emphasize the endangered species pizaetus nipalensis as being in need of such a policy standard. To date, a common policy for protection of Spizaetus nipalensis has not existed at the local government level. In addition, no interchange of related information can be found in the affected neighboring prefectures.It is important to increase the opportunities to discuss the policy for protection among neighboring prefectures for the enactment or the revision of the ordinance to solve the critical situation of Spizaetus nipalensis. In addition, for Spizaetus nipalensis, which has a wide habitat spread over neighboring prefectures, the national government should produce unified protection standards.To establish a revised system for the preservation of RDB species, these measures should be taken immediately at the prefectural and national levels
- 近畿大学農学部紀要
近畿大学農学部紀要 (43), 37-45, 2010-03-01
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050001202556537984
- 120005734721
- AN00064044
- 04538889
- 10670278
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles