Historical Trend of ^<137>Cs Released from Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Recorded in Sediment Core of Nishiyama Reservoir at Nagasaki, Japan



In the dated core sediment of Nishiyama reservoir at Nagasaki city, historical distribution of ^<137>Cs activity was determined. Sediment containing ^<137>Cs, which was deposited immediately after a detonation of Nagasaki atomic bomb, was identified in the core. Observed in the sediments were macroscopic charcoals, ^<239+240>Pu activity and ^<240>Pu/^<239>Pu isotopic ratio, and providing evidence for initial deposit of the fallout of the Nagasaki atomic bomb. This is the first entire depositional record of ^<137>Cs released from the Nagasaki atomic bomb together with these from atmospheric nuclear tests.


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