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  • アキタシ テガタヤマ ニ オケル デンキ タンサ
  • Electric Soundings at Tegata-Yama

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Electric soundings have been carried out anually at Tegata-Yama, Akita city, northeast of Japan. They are part of the class ‘Experiment of Applied Geophysics I’ opened in Akita University for third year students of geology and geophysics cource, Department of Earth Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science. We have carried out vertical soundings using the Wenner electrode distribution at several sites these years. We assign students a report including construction of one-dimensional resistivity structure using the curve matching method based on the data aquired themselves. But we do not have comprehensive image of subsurface resistivity structure in consideration of the data aquired over years. We examine the data obtained resent years and show several representative results of the electric soundongs around the top of Tegata-Yama hill in this manuscript. We intend to use this summary of the results in order to help the progressive understanding of the subsurface structure of Tegata-Yama area in the future.


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