ロールプレイ形式によるコミュニケーション技術教育の 医学生における有用性の検討 ─ がん診療における『悪い知らせ』を伝える場面を中心に ─

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  • Educational efficacy of communication skills training incorporating role-play for medical students ─in the cancer consultations with breaking ‘bad news’
  • ロールプレイ形式によるコミュニケーション技術教育の医学生における有用性の検討 : がん診療における『悪い知らせ』を伝える場面を中心に
  • ロールプレイ ケイシキ ニ ヨル コミュニケーション ギジュツ キョウイク ノ イガクセイ ニ オケル ユウヨウセイ ノ ケントウ : ガン シンリョウ ニ オケル 『 ワルイ シラセ 』 オ ツタエル バメン オ チュウシン ニ



We examined efficacy of communication skills training incorporating role-play in the cancer consultations with breaking ‘bad news’ for medical students, because it is not examined enough, although such trainings for physicians have been intensively studied. We performed 2-hour lectures about communication skills in the cancer consultations with breaking ‘bad news’ incorporating role-play training for 3 groups of 7 sixth-year medical students. We conducted a questionnaire survey on students before and after the lecture with the Death Attitude Inventory formed by Hirai et al. and the Japanese Version of the Frommelt Attitude toward Care of the Dying Scale( FATCOD-B-J), and analyzed those scores with Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test. 20 students participated. The scores of the Death Attitude Inventory did not change statistically. FATCOD-B-J is devided into 2 scales, “Attitude toward care of the terminally ill” and “Recognition toward patient-family-centered care”. The former scores did not change, but the latter scores increased after the lecture( p<0.05). We conclude that the attitude of medical students cannot be changed easily, but the recognition can be changed by only one lecture. We should discuss further educational efficacy of role-play training for medical students.


  • 秋田医学

    秋田医学 38 (2), 57-61, 2011-12-01


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