

  • On the mode of Time in "Les Voyageurs du Temps" by Philippe Sollers
  • フィリップ ソレルス ノ ジカン ノ タビビトタチ ニオケル ジカン ノ ヨウタイ ニ ツイテ




This article aims to clarify the mode of Time in the novel titled "Les Voyageurs du Temps " by Philippe Sollers. According to Sollers, Time in Society is a succession of instantaneous now and fl ows lineally. It does not expand neither into the past nor into the future. People who believe in Society as if it were God lose gradually the sense of Time. On the contrary, the narrator of this novel goes and returns freely through the past, the present and the future by reading several texts. He accepts the concept of Time by Gnosis and fi nds the eternal Time of luminous paradise which has no relation with Creation nor Last Judgment. Sollers calls this mode of Time fourth dimensional one. For him, travelers of Time such as Hörderling, Rimbaud or Kafka are revealers of paradise and Messiah in Society here and now. Through the past, the present and the future, their texts appeal to the existence of Ecstatic Time of paradise and the narrator himself travels also this fourth dimensional Time.



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