『ショア』を相続する ―パトリス・マニグリエとクロード・ランズマン―


  • Inherit Shoah ―Patrice Maniglier and Claude Lanzmann―




This article is a translation into Japanese of the dialogue between Patrice Maniglier and the members of the magazine Critique, which took place in March 2018. According to Maniglier, Shoah is not a documentary film neither that of memory, testimony nor trace. It attempts to give body to a thing which is the “extermination of the Jew in Europe”. Its body consists of incarnations which appear unexpectedly through unconscious trembling of voice, distortion of face and gesture. This film does not concern the past but the present world in which we live. One of the legacies which Sartre and Les Temps modernes left is the method of plunging concretely into events without any predeterminded political or moral perspective. One may say that Les Temps modernes dreams of catching the world itself and Critique bets on the knowledge. But Maniglier is discontented with the opposition between them. By means of checking philosophical notions through singularity of events, he thinks that we can surpass such opposition.


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