

  • アダチホウ イチロウ ト マンシュウ ジヘン カンケイ ノ シン シリョウ ノ ショウカイ
  • An Introduction of a Material Related to Mineichiro Adachi
  • アダチ ミネイチロウ ト マンシュウ ジヘン カンケイ ノ シンシリョウ ノ ショウカイ




This paper aims to introduce a material related to Baron Mineichiro Adachi (1868-1934). Adachi is one of the greatest men who was brought up in Yamagata prefecture. He is noted for having endeavored to avoid the world war as the president of the Permanent International Court of Justice in Den Hague in Holland. In the newspaper “De Telegraaf” dated November 1, 1931, there is a cartoon showing an unarmed samurai wrestling with a fully armed samurai. Based on its brief caption, it is believed that the unarmed samurai represents Adachi and the fully armed samurai represents the Japanese troops in China. Therefore the cartoon was understood as showing how strongly Adachi was expected to stop the action of the Japanese troops in China. Unfortunately, however, there was no article related to the cartoon in the newspaper. For this reason, it was impossible to verify the interpretation of the cartoon presented above. However, the author has discovered an article related to the cartoon in “De Telegraaf” of November 2, 1931. It seems that November 1 in 1931 was Sunday and for this reason the article related to the cartoon was published on November 2. The article reports on the Japanese troops' action in northern Manchuria and the possibility of the clash between Japanese and Soviet troops. Therefore, based on this article, it is clear that the cartoon shows how strongly it was hoped that Adachi could stop the actions of the Japanese troops in northern Manchuria.


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