Highly Efficient Ultracentrifugation-free Chromatographic Purification of Recombinant AAV Serotype 9

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Recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 9 (rAAV9) can specifically transduce muscle and neuronal tissues; thus, rAAV9 can potentially be used in gene therapy. However, rAAV9 is the most challenging rAAV serotype to purify. Traditionally, rAAV9 has been purified by ultracentrifugation, which is not scalable. We recently described a chromatographic purification protocol for rAAV1; this protocol can achieve scalable purifications. In this study, we attempted to optimize this protocol for purifying rAAV9 preparations, and we developed a novel, effective method for high-yield purification of rAAV9 using quaternary ammonium anion exchangers and size-exclusion chromatography. The final purified rAAV9 contained mainly three capsid proteins, as observed by SDS-PAGE. Furthermore, negative-stain electron microscopy demonstrated that 96.1% ± 1.1% of rAAV9 particles carried the viral genome containing the EGFP transgene, indicating that impurities and empty capsids can be eliminated with our purification protocol. The final rAAV9 titer obtained by our protocol totaled 2.5 ± 0.4 × 10


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