Relationship between backwash ileitis and macroscopic findings of resected large bowel in patients with ulcerative colitis


  • 潰瘍性大腸炎におけるBackwash ileitis と大腸切除標本肉眼所見の関係



Background. Backwash ileitis (BWI) is defined as ulcerative colitis (UC)-like inflammation extending beyond the ileocecal valve. This inflammation is homogeneously and diffusely distributed over the ileum. BWI has been suggested as a risk factor for colon cancer and pouchitis. Preoperative diagnosis of BWI is generally difficult. This study aimed to clarify the characteristics of UC patients with BWI and the clinical significance of BWI. Methods. Patients who had undergone any kind of bowel resection for UC at Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, between September 1993 and September 2010 were included in this study. The relationship between BWI and various clinical factors, including, patient characteristics, preoperative endoscopic findings, postoperative histological findings, and postoperative course, was investigated. Results. Of the total of 53 patients, 3 (5.7%) presented with BWI. BWI was significantly correlated with the presence of extensive or longitudinal large bowel ulcers. Conclusions. BWI may be a complication in UC patients diagnosed with extensive or longitudinal ulcers in the large bowel before surgery. In such cases, careful intraoperative observation of the resected ileu is imperative.

背景 Backwach leitis(以下,BWI)は,潰瘍性大腸炎において炎症が回盲弁をこえて回腸へ及んだ病態である。BWI は大腸癌や回腸嚢炎の危険因子とされている。また,BWI を術前診断することはしばし困難とされる。BWI を伴った潰瘍性大腸炎の特徴とその臨床的意義について調べた。 方法 対象は,1993年9月から2010年9月までの間に,自治医大さいたま医療センターで腸切除術を施行された,潰瘍性大腸炎の症例である。臨床所見,術前内視鏡所見,術後病理所見,術後経過と,BWI の関係を調査した。 結果 対象53例のうち,3例(5.7%)にBWI を認めた。大腸潰瘍の範囲とBWI の間,縦走潰瘍とBWI の間に,有意な関連を認めた。 考察 結腸に広範囲または縦走する潰瘍を認める症例はBWI を伴う可能性が高い。術前にこれらの所見を認める場合は,術中に切除回腸を十分に確認する必要がある。


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