スギ樹皮小片を活用した高密度バインダレスボードの製造と性能(第1報) 基礎物性に及ぼすマット含水率と熱圧締スケジュールの影響


  • スギ ジュヒ ショウヘン オ カツヨウ シタ コウミツド バインダレス ボード ノ セイゾウ ト セイノウ ダイ1ポウ キソ ブッセイ ニ オヨボス マット ガンスイリツ ト ネツ アッテイ スケジュール ノ エイキョウ
  • Manufacturing and performance of high density sugi bark boards without synthetic resins (Part 1) Effects of mat moisture content and hot-pressing schedule on basic properties of the boards



スギ樹皮小片によるバインダレス高密度ボードの最適製造条件を探ることを自的に、マット 含水率および熱圧スケジュール(息抜き時残圧の有無および程度)を変化させてボードを製造 した。その結果、マット含水率40%以上では自己接着の指標となる変色部の広がりが良好とな り、曲げ弾性率の均質化や耐水性の向上が認められた。ただし、残圧なしで息抜きを行うと水 蒸気噴出による内部割れが多く、内部結合力は0.1MPa以下の値となった。しかし、息抜き時 に適度な残圧(0.75MPa以上)を付与すると、変色部のさらなる広がりとともに内部割れは激 減し、内部結合力は改善された。比較的優れたボード物性を示したのは、息抜き時に残圧を付 与しない場合はマット含水率30%で第1圧締9MPa80秒の条件、残圧付与(マット合水率40%)の場合は第1圧締8MPaで残圧1MPaの条件であり、曲げ弾性率は1.9GPa、曲げ強度は12~15MPa、内部結合力は102~121KPa、24時間吸水膨張率は24~27%を示した。

A method of manufacturing high density bark boards using sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) bark particles without adhesive is reported in this paper. Five-millimeter-thick boards with a target density of 1.0 g/cm3 were fabricated at various mat moisture contents and hot-pressing schedules. The total pressing time and the pressing temperature were fixed at 5 minutes and 180℃, respectively ,while the hot-pressing schedule that consisted of three pressure steps was mainly changed at the first press pressure from 7 to 9MPa and subsequent breathing pressure from 0 to 1MPa. When made with mat moisture contents (MC) of 40% or more, the boards showed less variation in modulus of elasticity (MOE) on a board plane as well as an improvement in water resistance due to a great amount of colored area on the board surfaces that may be an evidence of self-bonding. However a breathing pressure of 0MPa caused rapid eruption of steam, which caused many inner clacks. This resulted in less internal bond (IB) strength and modulus of rupture (MOR). Breathing pressure of more than 0.75MPa effectively reduced inner clacks, resulting in an improvement in IB strength. Further, the colored area on board surfaces was expanded further by those breathing conditions. When providing a breathing period with some pressure, the best board performance was obtained with a combination of a first pressing pressure of 8MPa and a breathing pressure of 1.0MPa (a mat MC of 40%). Similarly, the best board performance was obtained at a combination of a mat MC of 30% and the first pressing step with a pressure of 9MPa for 80 seconds, even though the breathing pressure was 0MPa. These boards showed an MOE of 1.9GPa, an MOR of 12-15MPa, an IB of 102-121KPa, and a thickness swelling of 24%-27% by a 24-hour water immersion.


  • 岩手大学農学部演習林報告

    岩手大学農学部演習林報告 36 21-37, 2005-03-25


詳細情報 詳細情報について

