eラーニングを活用した歴史教育の実践 : 滋賀大学での取り組みを事例として


  • eラーニング オ カツヨウ シタ レキシ キョウイク ノ ジッセン シガダイガク デ ノ トリクミ オ ジレイ ト シテ
  • Practice of Education in History which Utilized e-Learning



type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

In late years, co-operation of History and Information science is prosperous. The center isdevelopment of the databases for history studies.On the other hand, the history education by the information and communication technology does not attract attention very much. Therefore, I introduced the action of the history education that I performed in 2011 fiscal year.In Shiga University, we use learning managementsystem based on the Moodle. The popular name is s “SULMS” (Shiga University Learning Management System). In 2011 fiscal year, 40 courses are in it. In the same year, a working group to promote e-Learning started. Receive such a flow, the course of Japanese history was opened in the 2011 fiscal year. I took charge of the lecture.In a spring term, the lecture was performed in the department of economics. I recorded and edited the lecture and developed e-Learningteaching materials. I distributed the teaching materials to the student by SULMS for supplementary lessons.In an autumn term, the lecture was performedin the department of education. It carried out 3 times in the classroom and carried out by e-Learning 12 times. New teaching materials were exhibited on Tuesday every week. An open period is two weeks. Each time, the quiz was carried out. Moreover, the questionnaire was carried outat the autumn term. Based on the result, I haveimproved teaching materials now. The improvedteaching materials are due to be used from the 2012 fiscal year.In addition, the teaching materials which introduce the ruins of the ancient times of ShigaPrefecture were developed. These were for independence study. It is examining buildingmuch more teaching materials from now on.Furthermore, development of the teaching materialscorresponding to a mobile terminal is considered. And I would like to build the environmentwhere a regional history can be learned more easily. As mentioned above, e-Learning of ShigaUniversity has just started. The working groupin whom I have participated needs to considermore effective e-Learning from now on. In thefuture, our group must fix the organization which promotes e-Learning.

identifier:彦根論叢, 第392号, pp. 34-43

identifier:The Hikone Ronso, No.392, pp. 34-43


  • 彦根論叢

    彦根論叢 第392号 34-43, 2012-06


詳細情報 詳細情報について

