

  • セイト エ ノ ケンコウ イシキ チョウサ オ カイシタ ガッコウ ヤクザイシ ノ アリカタ ノ ケントウ
  • Examination of the Existence for the School Pharmacist through Survey on the Health Awareness to the Student




埼玉県越谷市内の小学生1617 名(5,6 年生),中学生328 名(2 年生)を対象とし,生徒の健康意識の実態(健康食品,サプリメント,たばこ,お酒,脱法ドラッグ,薬の適正使用に関する学校薬剤師の関与)を把握することにより,今後の学校薬剤師の活動のあり方を示唆することを目的とした.アンケートは無記名方式において実施した.健康食品・サプリメントの認知度については小学生87.3%,中学生93.7%であったが,摂取率については小学生52.9%,中学生40.4%であった.脱法ドラッグについての健康被害の認知度は63.4%,中学生87.8%であった.以上のことから,今後の薬剤師の活動として,健康食品やサプリメントについての知識や正しい使い方を伝える「薬育」の推進が必要だと考える.学校薬剤師の活動を世間に広め,継続的に実施することで,薬剤師の職能の可能性を大きく広げると確信する.The purpose of this study was to suggest the best approach for future activities by school pharmacists, by surveying 1,617 primary school students (grades 5 and 6) and 328 junior high school students (grade 2) in Koshigaya-shi, Saitama to ascertain their health consciousness (involvement of school pharmacist in appropriate use of healthy foods, supplements, tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and pharmaceuticals). The questionnaire was administered in an unsigned format. Although 87.3% of primary school students (PS), and 93.7% of junior high school students (JHS) recognized the importance of healthy food and supplement consumption, only 52.9% of PS and 40.4% of JHS actually consumed these items. Regarding illegal drug use, 63.4% of PS and 87.8% of JHS recognized that it may cause health impairments. For the above reasons, the author believes it is necessary to promote“ pharma-education,” in which students are provided with knowledge and information on correct use of healthy foods and supplements, as a future activity of school pharmacists. The author is convinced that extending the activities of school pharmacists to a broader audience, and carrying out those activities continuously, will greatly expand the possibilities of pharmacists’ vocational abilities.

source:The Journal of Community Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences



  • 薬局薬学

    薬局薬学 6 (1), 49-56, 2014-04


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