2012-2013年度調査からみる教職志望学生の社会意識の経年変化 : 教員養成改革の理想と現実(2)


  • The Change of Social Awareness in College Student of Education through 2012-2013 : The Ideal and Reality of the Reform of Teacher Education(2)
  • 2012-2013ネンド チョウサ カラ ミル キョウショク シボウ ガクセイ ノ シャカイ イシキ ノ ケイ ネンヘンカ : キョウイン ヨウセイ カイカク ノ リソウ ト ゲンジツ(2)



We have organized a research project reveal what kind of teacher is educated under the current teacher education reform. As the part of this project, in this study, we studied the transformation of awareness and behavior against the society and education with the panel data in two years (first grade- second grade of college student of education). As a result, Firstly students have increased the training time at the university while reducing the aspiration for the teacher. In the other hand, they have not much learned the attitudes and behaviors that are necessary for teaching, and this trend has more pronounced in social behavior and social awareness . Secondly, focusing on the awareness toward curriculum autonomy, some factors have effect on the awareness that student become to think limited curriculum autonomy. Some factors are the high aspiration for teacher, the independent personality, and the conservative teaching view.


  • 研究紀要

    研究紀要 (16), 21-34, 2015-03-31




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