韓国人学習者の日本語作文に見る「的」付き形容動詞の使用傾向と教育への提言― 学習者コーパスと母語話者コーパスの比較を通して


  • カンコクジン ガクシュウシャ ノ ニホンゴ サクブン ニ ミル テキ ツキ ケイヨウ ドウシ ノ シヨウ ケイコウ ト キョウイク エ ノ テイゲン ガクシュウシャ コーパス ト ボゴワシャ コーパス ノ ヒカク オ トオシテ
  • Korean Learners' Uses of Na-Adjectives with "-teki" in their Japanese Essays and Educational Implications : Based on Comparison between Learner and Native Speaker Corpora



This study purports to compare argumentative essay data of Korean learners of Japanese with those of Japanese native speakers and to clarify learners’ uses of na-adjectives with “-teki” and their problems. Korean learners’ word-forms and lemmas show that Korean learners frequently use “-teki na N” in adnominal use and “-teki de” and “-teki ni” in adverbial use, while Japanese native speakers “-teki N” and “-teki naN” in adnominal use and “-teki ni,” “-teki niwa,” and “-teki nimo” in adverbial use. It was found that Korean learners tend to use na-adjective with “-teki” more frequently than Japanese, who use more variable na-adjectives with “-teki.” Error analysis found that nearly 13% of adnominal use were misuses of na-adjectives with “-teki”, na-adjectives with non”-teki” or nouns, 45% of adverbial use misuses of “-teki de”, “-teki ni”, “-teki niwa” and “-teki nimo”. Based on the above findings I propose that we should make a Japanese-Korean list of na-adjectives with “-teki”, practice speaking in other ways and make clear-cut distinctions of “-teki ni”, “-teki-niwa” and “-teki-nimo”.




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