津田秀夫文庫文書目録5 長崎関係文書にみる幕末期の長崎会所


  • ツダ ヒデオ ブンコ ブンショ モクロク 5 ナガサキ カンケイ ブンショ ニ ミル バクマツキ ノ ナガサキ カイショ
  • Notes on Nagasaki Kaisyo in Tokugawa Syogunate with the List of its Documents



This paper introduces "Nagasaki Kankei Monjo (The Documents related to Nagasaki)" which is archived at Hideo Tsuda Library of Kansai University, and aims to investigate the life in Nagasaki Kaisyo at the end of Tokugawa Syogunate. "Nagasaki Kankei Monjo" contains huge amount of documents, mainly consists of documents written by (or suspected to be written by) Yamada (山田) Kaduki (香月), the official working at Nagasaki Kaisyo, and documents of Ito Family, and trading records at Nagasaki Kaisyo. This paper focus on "Honuri Negumi Cho (本売直組帳) to investigate "Negumi (直組)", the products imported by Chinese or Dutch ships to Japan in 1845. Nagasaki Kaisyo handled "Negumi (直組)" for variety kinds of imported products. We think it basically carried out its business by sometimes raising the price of imported goods, and othertimes by folloing the precedent price "Zenkakusumi Nedan (前格済直段)". By using these two methods, the Kaisyo could carried out its business smoothly. In addition to that, this paper investigate diaries wirtten (or suspected to be written) by the officials in Kaisyo like Yamada, and introduced their activities like going to Osaka, during Genji and Keio periods.


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