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  • Factors of a Company Leading to its Selection by Job-seeking Students



民間企業の学生を対象とした求人総数はバブル期をはるかに上回り,過去最大の93.3万人に及ぶ.その求人倍率は2007年の1.89倍から2.14倍へと16年振りに倍率2倍を超えた.企業と学生の立場は逆転し,学生が企業を選ぶ側となった昨今,企業を選ぶ際に重要視する要因とは何なのか.本研究では就職活動中の学生を対象とした意識調査データを用いて,相関分析,重回帰分析の両分析を同時に行える独自のソフト,アプリケーション・ソフト「Excel VBA」を活用・開発し,それを用いて分析結果の検証を行った.企業を選ぶ際に学生が重要視する要因を分析によって明確にした.

Today, the total number of job offers made to students by private companies far exceeds that in the bubble years, reaching the largest ever number of 933,000. The ratio of job offers to seekers has increased from 1.89 (in 2007) to 2.14, surpassing 2.00 for the first time in the last 16 years. Now that the relationship between companies and students has inverted, with the latter in the position of selecting the former, what factors of a company do students most emphasize before selecting it? The present study was intended to identify such factors; more specifically, data from an attitude survey conducted among job-seeking students were analyzed using an originally developed Excel VBA application, capable of simultaneously performing correlation and multiple regression analyses, and the results of analysis were evaluated.


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