アルザスのJ.レンツ : とくに「ドイツ協会」との関連において


  • アルザス ノ J レンツ トクニ ドイツ キョウカイ トノ カンレン ニ オイテ
  • J. Lenz in Alsace : especially in relation to the Deutsche Gesellschaft



The German poet Jakob Lenz (1751-92) from Baltic world made three speeches, "The reformation of German language in Alsace, Breisgau and their surrounding areas", "The advantages of German language", and "The purpose of the new association in StrasBburg)" in 1775. He made these speeches in Strasbourg, where he was most active as a writer in his lifetime. All the above speeches were made for the Deutsche Gesellschaft, in which he was the de facto leader working as the secretary. He appealed the importance of reforming German language against the French, which was the absolute authority in the European world at the time, and also appealing the importance of the Deutsche Gesellschaft as the activator of the reform. Lenz had strong interest in social problems and social contradiction of the day, in addition to his original writing works. Such interests made him contribute to reform the German by leading the association. Lenz's interest in social reform came from the recognition of severe reality that the controlling ethnic group and the controlled ethnic group co-exist. He had seen such social difficulty in Baltic nations where he was born and grew up.


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