看護学臨地実習における指導者が看護学生の実習適応感に与える影響 : 教員および実習指導者との信頼感に着目して


  • カンゴガク リンチ ジッシュウ ニ オケル シドウシャ ガ カンゴ ガクセイ ノ ジッシュウ テキオウカン ニ アタエル エイキョウ : キョウイン オヨビ ジッシュウ シドウシャ ト ノ シンライカン ニ チャクモク シテ
  • Effects of instructors on nursing students' adaptation level during practical training : focusing on the trust between students and their teachers / clinical instructors



By focusing on the relationship between nursing students and their instructors, this research aims to examine the correlation between the level of students' trust towards their teachers / clinical instructors and their overall adaptation level during clinical training. "Adaptation level" in this context encompasses a student's comfort level, sense of purpose, and relationship with peers. A total of 470 nursing students who have completed their practical training were asked to evaluate their experience on the following three points : 1) their relationship / trust they had with teachers ; 2) their relationship / trust they had with clinical instructors and; 3) their effectiveness during their clinical training and how well they felt they were able to adapt. The two-way ANOVA was used to examine the effects that teachers / clinical instructors have on the students and their training. The results show a significant interaction effect of "teacher / instructors' effectiveness" (a category under "relationship and trust) on "relationship with peers". This suggests that whether or not a student recognizes a teacher or instructor as a significant aspect of their clinical training has a direct impact on their adaptation level.



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