Social Welfare Policies for The Aged Population in The Takasaki Railway-line Region of The Tokyo Metropolitan Area : ROXY-index Analysis of Urban Spatial Cycles

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This study examines the spatial redistribution process of the aged populationl)in the Takasaki railwayline  region of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area of Japan for the period 1960-2000 with special emphasis on(1) the Young Old population compared with the Old Old population and on(2)the aged population living with relatives or non-relatives(APW)compared with the aged population living alone(APA). The ROXYi ・d・xm・th・d2)and・th・Klaassen’s sp・ti・1-cy・1・hyp・th・・i・3)・・e apPli・d t・…inve・tig・ti・n・. Th・圃・・ results are as fbllows:(1)The phase of the spatia1-cycle path4)fbr the population 65 and over, population 64and under, total population, Young Old population, Old Old population, APW and APA in the Takasaki railway-line region, are all at the decelerating suburbanization stage in thcir general tendency;(2>The aged population is behind the spatial-cycle phase fbr the total population, and is now gradually approaching the middle stage of decelerating suburbanization;(3)The phase for the Young Old population is proceeding ahead of the Old Old population;and(4)The phase for the APW is proceeding ahead of the APA.


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