Case and Theory of NGO Volunteer Activities: International Grassroots Cooperative Programmes by GONGOVA for Uplander Villages in Northwestern Thailand

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The role of the NGO has become increasingly important both for (1) the educational value of international grassroots cooperative volunteer activities and for (2) the practice of such international cooperative activities for social, economic and environmental improvement in underprivileged areas. In light of this, the Gakushuin Overseas NGO Volunteer Activity Programme (GONGOVA) was launched in 1997. This programme falls in the category of university-NGO activities, focusing upon uplander villages located in remote mountain areas in northwestern Thailand. Though the project scale of GONGOVA is not large at all, the programme seems to have been somewhat successful in fulfilling the above-mentioned roles of the NGO. With this understanding, the present paper will (1) outline the skeleton of GONGOVA including a short history of its project achievements since 1997, and (2) explore the possible development of one angle of voluntarism economics, by using demand-surface approach to investigate the basic characteristics of the demand for “volunteer activity programmes” by volunteers.


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