

  • 韻律の知覚習得における方言別中国人学習者の中間言語研究
  • インリツ ノ チカク シュウトク ニ オケル ホウゲン ベツ チュウゴクジン ガクシュウシャ ノ チュウカン ゲンゴ ケンキュウ



This is an interlanguage study of Chinese dialect speaker’s acquisition processes of perceptual identification of the characteristic intonation in Japanese, associated with particular functions such as ‘invitation’and ‘negation’. Ten Chinese dialect speakers of Japanese at the beginners’ level and 10 L1 Japanese speakers served as subjects. Categorical perceptual identification tests were repeated 3 times extending over 1 year and 8 months. The task was to identify the prosodic meaning of both natural and synthesized speech with rising and falling tones of the final vowel /i/ of the word tabenai (literally “not eat”) at 14 different pitch levels.  In the case of natural speech, 96 percent of the stimuli were, on average, correctly identified throughout the entire test. The reason for this high score could be attributed to the fact that the stimuli were enunciated so distinctively between ‘invitation’ and ‘negation’that the subjects could easily distinguish them. In the case of synthesized speech, the Chinese subject’s average rates of identification of ‘invitation’ in the perceptual identification tests gradually came close to the L1 speaker’s as the tests were repeated.




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