

  • 1面せん断試験における締固め土の構成式について
  • 1メン センダン シケン ニ オケル シメカタメツチ ノ コウセイシキ ニ ツ



Constitutive equations of direct shear testing based on the rheological investigation in conjunction with Coulomb's failure criterion are presented for compacted soil. The purpose in establishing such a constitutive equation is to introduce the displacement factor into the slope stability analysis of dams. In the stress-strain relationships, soil (here qualified as compacted soil) is divided broadly into two categories. The first is the case for no peak strength such as cohesive soil, the second is the case for peak strength such as sandy soil. The former is governed by a well-known Voigt model, and the latter consists of two Voigt models connected in series. There is no strain measure in the direct shear testing used in this study, alternatively a ratio of shear displacement to shear displacement at failure is defined as the shear displacement ratio. Also, it is assumed that the shear displacement is linearly related to time. Fitting such derived constitutive relations of compacted soil to data from laboratory experiments, for the case of no peak strength the calculated values from proposed equation are a little less than the experimental data at the point where the curves are rising. In the case for peak strength, there is little difference between the values from the constitutive equation and the experimental data. It is concluded that the constitutive equations proposed here generally are able to approximate well the relationship between the shear stress and the shear displacement ratio.


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