中学校吹奏楽部員の部活動「満足感」「有用感」に影響する要因 -部活動に所属する中学生への質問紙調査の結果から-
- タイトル別名
- チュウガッコウスイソウガク ブイン ノ ブ カツドウ マンゾクカン ユウヨウカン ニ エイキョウ スル ヨウイン ブ カツドウ ニ ショゾク スル チュウガクセイ エ ノ シツモンシ チョウサ ノ ケッカ カラ
- Factors Affecting Junior High School Brass Band Club Students'Feelings of Satisfaction and Effectiveness in Extra-Curricular Activities
The purpose of this paper is to investigate by means of a questionnaire the image and feelings that junior high school brass band club students have about their club activities. By comparing the results gained from students belonging to brass band clubs, athletic clubs and other culture clubs, it was expected to find that the results would help improve our instructions for them in school settings. A questionnaires was sent to a total of 488 students, including 264 male and 224 female students in the first year and the second year in junior high schools in Akita City who belong to brass band clubs, athletic clubs and other culture clubs. A factor analysis was administered on the responses to each of the two sets of questionnaire items. For the first group of items(their image about club activities), three factors were extracted: namely, 'Contentment', 'Activeness', and 'Burden'. For the second group of items(their feelings about club activities), four factors were extracted:'Effectiveness', 'Satisfaction', 'Progress' and 'Concentration'. The results of the analysis based on these factors revealed that the factors affecting the feelings of satisfaction with extracurricular activities among junior high students are the same: 1)The effectiveness of extra-curricular activities among junior high students increase by a well-balanced teaching aimed for satisfaction and progress and concentration; and 2)as for the students in brass band clubs, a sense of satisfaction has a big effect on their effectiveness.
- 秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要
秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要 (31), 29-39, 2009-05-30
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050001202959405952
- 110007487127
- AA11532120
- 13449214
- 10295/1955
- 10475606
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles