不登校・引きこもり児童生徒への新たな教育の場の提供 ~県立高等学校内に開設されたスペース・イオの歩みとその検討~


  • フトウコウ ・ ヒキコモリ ジドウ セイト エ ノ アラタ ナ キョウイク ノ バ ノ テイキョウ : ケンリツ コウトウ ガッコウ ナイ ニ カイセツ サレタ スペース ・ イオ ノ アユミ ト ソノ ケントウ
  • Report on“ Space Io” as Educational Support System for Children with Difficulties in Attending School in Akita Prefecture



In 2005, the board of education of Akita Prefecture, who concerned over the increasing number of schoolchildren with problems such as school refusal and withdrawal in their district, decided to set up a learning support system and open a free-school in the name of "Space Io", which was sanctioned as a special educational zone and was set in Akita prefectural Meitokukan high school, following one-year preliminary. 10 years elapse since then, this paper reports the progress of "Space Io", looking back their original ideas, organizational framework and the roles, which eventually turned out satisfactory outcomes, including the fact that 80% children enlisted were able to proceed to the next stage of education. From the view point of clinical psychologists, significance of Space Io's role as a psychological support for those children is stressed.


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