

  • シュンジュウケイ(ヒダリ シケイ)ノ サクケイ メカニズム ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ(2)ショウコウキ 「 ヒダリ シケイ 」 ノ 「 ゲン サ シデン 」 カラ ノ チュウシュツ ・ ヘンサク キョレイ ト ソノ ブンセキ ヨリ
  • Study on the mechanism of the production of Chun qiu Jing [Zuo shi Jing](春秋経(左氏経))Part2-From analyzing Chun qiu Zuo shi Jing's extraction and edition from the original text of Chun qiu zuo shi zhuan(春秋左氏伝)at the period of Zhao gong(昭公)-



In my old manuscripts I have brought up the hypothesis that the text of Chun qiu Zuo shi Jing was basically extracted and edited from the original text of Chun qiu Zuo shi Zhuan(原春秋左氏伝) which is fundamentally included in the present text of Chun qiu Zuo shi Zhuan. According to my hypothesis, the sentences of Chun qiu Zuo shi Jing namely Chun qiu Jing (春秋経)are able to be devided into four types of sentences : [1] the sentences extracted from Zuo shi zhuan, [2] the sentences extractive edited from Zuo shi zhuan, [3] the sentences edited by not only depending on Zuo shi zhuan but also using the other historical materials, [4] the sentences without corresponding to those of Zuo shi zhuan at all. Thrugh the examin and consider in this paper, in the all sentences of text of Chun qiu Zuo shi Jing at the period of Lu (魯)Zhao gong (昭公), the sentences of type [1] account for 36 percent, those of type [2] account for 28 percent, and type [3 ] account for 18 percent, type [4] account for 18 percent. Therefore the sentences of type [1] to [2] amount to 63 percent. The result of the study in this paper firmly stands by my hypothesis on the mechanism of the production of Chun qiu Jing.




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