秋田民謡についての覚書 : 「小節(こぶし)」について

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  • アキタ ミンヨウ ニ ツイテ ノ オボエガキ ショウセツ コブシニ ツイテ
  • The Notes on the Folk Songs in Akita : The Roles of "Kobushi"

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In Japanese Folk Songs, minute ornamental tones named 'kobushi' (short tune) are used. And 'kobushi' were not used so often when Japanese Folk Songs were sung by unison. The principles of the usages of 'kobushi' in the melodies are as follows. 1. It is used when specific tone in the melody has long duration. 2. It repeats the part of the fundamental melody that appeared just before. 3. Some part of the fundamental melody chages into 'kobushi'. 4. It complicates the part of the fundamental melody. 5. It can become the part of the fundamental melody. The role and the function of 'kobushi' are to give the unstableness and the strain both rhythmically and melodically so that the unstableness and the strain are resolved at the next tone that follows 'kobushi' .


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