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  • <Papers> Career Education and Extracurricular Activities to Encourage Students' Autonomy
  • ガクセイ ノ ジハツセイ オ ウナガス キャリア キョウイク ト セイカガイ カツドウ



Career education in universities has encountered two main problems. One is the concern that our elaborated education programs, which complete within one semester, may not lead to student's diveloping autonomy. The second is the difficulty in conducting the career education according to a standard model, mainly due to the fact that the model needs many curriculums. These two issues are implemented from two perspectives: one is that not only the curriculum but also extracurricular activities are indispensable for university students. The other is that indeliberate formulation of the standard model should be avoided in terms of different conditions universities have faced. Given these perspectives, this paper will examines the feasibility of conducting career education in provincial national universities, which have limited budgets and staffs, through our implementation of e-learning and extracurricular activities at Shizuoka.


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