Distribution of elastic fiber on prostate

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  • 前立腺におけるエラスチンの分布
  • ゼンリツセン ニ オケル エラスチン ノ ブンプ

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We examined prostate specimens from 5 patients (median age; 71.8 years, range 57-83), with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) removed during surgery, and 4 autopsied cadavers (median age at death; 68.8 years, range 46-92) who had either obstructive or neurogenic voiding dysfunction. The prostate specimens were severed anatomically into samples of the base, middle, and apex of the prostate. They served as samples for a comparative study of the distribution of elastin fibers by means of a pathology study, using the Elastica Van Gieson (EV) staining method. The number of pixels representing elastin fibers in computerized images was analyzed using Adobe Photoshop Ver. 2.0. There was a larger proportion of elastin in the area of the urethra and at the base of prostate than in the remainder of the organ. The percentage of elastin at the base of the prostate was significantly greater among BPH patients than cadavers. Thus, it was demonstrated that elastin a stromal component was increased in BPH patients.


  • Hinyokika Kiyo

    Hinyokika Kiyo 54 (5), 321-324, 2008-05



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