<センター教員・共同研究者論考> FD活動支援に関するニーズの評価 : 関西地区FD連絡協議会FD実態調査2012から

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  • <Articles by Center Staff and Research Fellows> Assessment of Needs for Supporting Faculty Development Activities : A Survey by Kansai Faculty Development Association in 2012
  • FD活動支援に関するニーズの評価 : 関西地区FD連絡協議会FD実態調査2012から
  • FD カツドウ シエン ニ カンスル ニーズ ノ ヒョウカ : カンサイ チク FD レンラク キョウギカイ FD ジッタイ チョウサ 2012 カラ



The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to evaluate different needs for supporting Faculty Development activities, and (b) to examine what activities contribute to the educational improvement at the university, using survey data gathered by the Kansai Faculty Development Association in 2012. In total, 277 faculty members, 68 university staff members, and 3 unknowns across Kansai region participated in this study. They were divided into three groups by the size of university they are affiliated with: large-, middle-, and small-sized. Our analyses revealed that the needs for supporting Faculty Development activities were consistent across university size, and that improvement in higher education was promoted by cooperation between faculty members and information sharing and exchange for small- and middle-sized universities, and cooperation between faculty members for large-sized universities. Our findings suggest the importance of information sharing and exchange for small- and middle-sized university faculty members and staff members. We strongly believe that formation of interuniversity networks holds the key to promote sharing and exchange of information about Faculty Development.


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