Stand Structure of Looking-glass Tree (Heritiera littoralis) Forest in Small Valleys on Iriomote and Ishigaki Islands

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  • 西表島・石垣島の谷部に生育するサキシマスオウノキ林の構造について
  • イリオモテジマ イシガキジマ ノ タニブ ニ セイイク スル サキシマスオウノキリン ノ コウゾウ ニ ツイテ

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Looking-glass tree (Heritiera littoralis Dryand.) generally distributes in back mangrove and coastal areas. H. littoralis stands, however, are found on the stony sediment in the upper stream (alt. 50 - 80m) of the Miyara river, at the piedmont of Omotodake Hill, Ishigaki island, and in a small valley (alt. 30 - 70m) northwest of the Yutsun river, Iriomote Island. The forest structure of these two stands (Omoto and northwest Yutsun) was compared with that of back mangrove in Urauchi, Iriomote Island. All trees bigger than 5 cm DBH were tagged and measured. H. littoralis was dominant in the canopy layer of each stand. Twenty-eight species were recorded in the back mangrove of Urauchi, 57 in Omoto, and 45 in northwest Yutsun. In Omoto and northwest Yutsun, H. littoralis dominantly occurred with Castanopsis sieboldii. Each alpha-diversity of the two stands was higher than that of back mangrove at Urauchi where Barringtonia racemosa was dominant. It is suggested that the characteristics of each stand structure reflect a difference of habitat. In Omoto and Yutsun where consist of various species, tree height was higher in Heritiera littoralis than that of Urauchi because of competition between species for habitat space.


  • Forest Research, Kyoto

    Forest Research, Kyoto 71 35-43, 1999-12-28


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