「蒲公英」の生薬学的研究(第1報): 台湾産「蒲公英」の基源(I)


  • Pharmacognostical Studies on the Chinese Crude Drug "Pu gong ying" (1): The Plant Origin of "Pu gong ying" from Taiwan (I)
  • ホコウエイ ノ ショウヤクガクテキ ケンキュウ 1 タイワンサン タンポポ ノ



「蒲公英」は『新修本草』2)に「蒲公草」の名で初収載された漢薬で, 古来婦人の乳癌廱腫, 悪腫, 結核, 小便不利, 慢性胃炎, 胃潰瘍, 消化不良, 淋巴腺炎, 目赤腫痛, 肝炎, 胆のう炎, 尿路感染, 乳汁不通などの治療2,3)に用いられてきた. その本草正品は一般にキク科(Compositae)のタンポポ属Taraxacumspp.植物であるとされ, 『中薬志』4), 『中薬大辞典』5)などにも, その原植物として同属植物が記載されている. ところで台湾では現在, 「蒲公英」は民間的に肝炎, 肺炎, 肺蓄膿, 肺膜炎(肺蓄水)などの治療に用いられている6,7). 台湾産「蒲公英」の基源に関して那ら8)は「台湾中薬市場, 一向未進口蒲公英, 概用本地所産者, 惟考台湾植物学文献, 台産之真正蒲公英, 祇有Taraxacum formosanum KITAMURA 一種; 経著者之一甘偉松, 調査中薬市場所用之蒲公英, 均為同科之Lactuca chinensis MAKINO〔=Ixeris chinensis(THUNB. )NAKAI〕之全草, 而真正之Taraxacum幾未見利用」と記し, さらにTaraxacum formosanumとIxeris chinensisの2種について比較組織学的に検討している9). The Chinese crude drug “Pu gong ying (蒲公英)” was first recorded in “Xin xiu ben cao (新修本草)” in A. D. 657, and has been used for women's mammary tumors, hepatitis, stomach troubles, etc. According to Na et al., “Pu gong ying” derived from the whole plant of Ixeris chinensis (THUNB.) NAKAI of the Compositae family has been generally used in Taiwan. From Puli (埔里) market, in central Taiwan, recently we obtained a sample of “Pu gong ying.” Although it seemed to have been derived from Ixeris plant, its thick leaf, the rough surfaces of its stem and leaf, and also its anatomical characteristics suggested that it had not been derived from I. chinensis. So, in order to determine its botanical origin, a comparative anatomical study was carried out on Ixeris plants and “Py gong ying” from Taiwan, which clearly showed that Puli “Pu gong ying” had been derived from the whole plant of I. laevigata (BL.) SCH.-BIP. ex MAXIM. var. oldhami (MAXIM.) KITAMURA.


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