Development of assessment indicators to decide when to stop observing stroke patients during transfer based on clinical judgments made by nurses


  • 看護師の臨床判断を基盤とした脳卒中患者の移乗時における「見守り解除」のアセスメント指標の開発



The objective of this study was to develop indicators to decide when to complete observation of the bed -wheelchair transfer of convalescent stroke patients based on clinical judgments made by nurses to promote the independence of patients.  The study involved the following 3 steps : In Step 1, aiming at collecting assessment items to decide on when to stop observation-only transfer, a focus group interview was performed involving 17 nurses working on convalescent rehabilitation wards. In Step 2, the validity of assessment items collected in Step 1 was investigated involving 12 nurses undergoing training in the certified nurse curriculum specializing in stroke rehabilitation. In Step 3, the assessment items prepared in Step 2 and judgment of the completion or continuation of observation by nurses were investigated involving 84 stroke patients under observation during transfer in 13 convalescent rehabilitation wards. Logistic regression analysis was performed regarding the gender and age of patients and assessment items in which significant differences were observed on univariate analysis as independent variables, and the clinical judgments concerning the completion of observation-only transfer made by nurses as dependent variables.  Nineteen assessment items were extracted through Steps 1 and 2. These comprised 6 domains : cognitive ability and transfer mobility, patient s feeling regarding transfer, risk of trauma by falling, and states of taking oral central nervous system-acting drugs and independence in activity related/similar to transfer activity. The following 2 assessment items were significantly associated with the clinical judgment concerning the completion of observation made by nurses on logistic regression analysis in Step 3 : ‘the patient can move after confirming that the target of transfer is present at a transferable position every time’ and ‘the patient can move after putting on footwear every time’.  The above findings suggested that nurses assessed the cognitive and motion balance abilities of patients based on the above 2 items and made a decision on the completion of observation during transfer. For the assessment items concerning the completion of observation-only transfer in stroke patients, 2 items : ‘the patient can move after confirming that the target of transfer is present at a transferable position every time’ and ‘the patient can move after putting on footwear every time’, may be useful. 本研究の目的は、回復期にある脳卒中患者のベッド・車椅子間移乗において、見守りを 解除し自立へと移行する際の看護師の臨床判断に基づいた指標を開発することである。  本研究は以下の3段階で実施した。第1段階では、移乗時の見守りを解除する際のアセ スメント指標の収集を目的として、回復期リハビリテーション病棟看護師17名を対象に フォーカス・グループ・インタビューを行った。第2段階では、脳卒中リハビリテーショ ン看護認定看護師教育課程に研修中の看護師12名を対象に、第1段階で得られたアセスメ ント指標の内容妥当性の検討を行った。第3段階では、回復期リハビリテーション病棟13 病棟で移乗時の見守りを受けている脳卒中患者84名と看護師を対象に、第2段階で作成し たアセスメント指標と移乗時の見守り解除してよいかどうかの看護師の判断を調査した。 さらに、患者の性別と年齢および多変量解析にて有意差の認められたアセスメント指標を 独立変数、移乗時の見守り解除に関する看護師の判断を従属変数としたロジスティック回 帰分析を行った。  その結果、第1段階および第2段階を通して19項目のアセスメント指標が抽出された。 第3段階において、看護師の移乗時の見守り解除における臨床判断と有意な関連が認めら れたアセスメント指標は、「毎回移乗目的物が移乗可能な位置にあることを確認してから 移乗できる」と「毎回履き物を履いてから移乗できる」の2項目であった。  以上から、脳卒中患者の移乗時の見守り解除に関するアセスメント指標として上記2項 目が有用である可能性が示唆された。


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