

  • Life History of Protaetia orientalis (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) in the Kanto District ; and Food Resource Plants of P. orientalis in Japan
  • シロテンハナムグリ ノ カントウチホウ ニ オケル セイカツシ ナラビニ ニホン ニ オケル エサシゲンショクブツ




The life history of Protaetia orientalis (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) was studied by an outdoor breeding experiment. The result of the breeding experiment showed that the chafer has [one-year life history]-[larva hibernation]-[numerous time breeding period]-life history type. The adult lifetime was about 1 year. An adult of the chafer, which underwent an adult eclosion in the summer, stayed over winter in the ground after feeding. It emerged the following year in the early summer and became active again. Incidentally, many adults did not reproduce in the first year ; however, a small number of adults had two breeding seasons, one in the first year and one in the following year. The larvae pass through a total of three instars, and in the winter of the first year, it formed a diapause chamber by the last instar larva and stayed over winter among these. After investigating the food resource plants that adult chafers visited for feeding, 42 species in 25 families of 18 orders of 3 classes were confirmed. Of these, as for visiting-plants, 30 species in 19 families of 14 orders of 2 class, and as for sap use plants, 5 species in 3 families of 3 orders of 2 classes, and as for fruit use plants, 8 species in 5 families of 4 orders of 1 class were confirmed. These results proved that the chafer changed its food source from pollen and nectar to sap and fruit, with the change of the season. In addition, by this action, it was able to avoid any lack of food resources. This factor is thought to give the chafer a long active period and lifetime as compared with other species of Cetoniinae.







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