脳死ドナーからの腎臓移植 : 東京女子医科大学病院における経験


  • ノウシ ドナー カラ ノ ジンゾウ イショク トウキョウ ジョシイカ ダイガク ビョウイン ニ オケル ケイケン
  • Renal Transplantation from Heart-Beating Cadavers at Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital



In Japan, 51 cases of renal transplantation (RTx) including 13 cases of simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) from heart-beating cadavers have been conducted since the first transplant in February 1999. Among of these cases, 8 cases including 2 cases of SPK were performed at Tokyo Women's Medical Uni- versity Hospital. The present study examines these cases in datail. Between July 2000 and October 2004, 8 cases of RTx were carried out cadavers. The factors which participate in the harvesting of a functional transplant kid- ney were examined. There was a statistically significant correlation between the degree of functionality of a transplant kidney and such donor-related factors as age and cause of brain death. Although a high correlation was seen between the total ischemic period and functionality of a transplant liver, the value was not statistically significant. One of the 8 cases died from multiple complications. The patient and graft survival rates were 87.5%. In organ transplant facilities, it is important to take a few important cases and analyze them carefully and in de- tail to arrive at ways to increase successful functional organ transplantation from cadavers.


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