Study on the Junior Quiz at Kamigamo in Partnership with Inhabitants aimed on Activation at Kamigamo Area
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- 上賀茂地域の活性化を目指した住民との協働によるジュニア上賀茂検定に関する研究
- カミガモ チイキ ノ カッセイカ オ メザシタ ジュウミン ト ノ キョウドウ ニ ヨル ジュニア カミガモ ケンテイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
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It was almost performed without connection with the education of the elementary school and the local inhabitants conventionally. Time for General learning began, and the learning about the local matter came to be adopted in the elementary school, too. The Kamigamo area has the history more than 1,300 years, and there are many traditional events and traditional culture. There is few at an opportunity to know the Kamigamo area for the inhabitants who lived in newly at Kamigamo area and the young generation who married into Kamigamo area. Furthermore, new young inhabitants have difficult participation for the traditional event from old times physically and mentally.It is children carrying the next times that require to know most the area as well as new young inhabitants.It is necessary for children to know early Kamigamo area. And children must have attachment at Kamigamo area. Under these background, we carried out the junior Kamigamo quiz for the children of the Kamigamo third grader. As a result, the junior Kamigamo quiz was favorably reviewed with all to children, teachers, young mothers of the protector, the local inhabitants who cooperated. They felt that they knew Kamigamo well. We were able to give young mothers a strong impact about Kamigamo area. We think that the interest in area of young mothers rose.It was very impressive for me that the local inhabitants who cooperated were explained positively. The local inhabitants do not know Kamigamo area unexpectedly, too. It was important that there were many voices that it was studied by inhabitants. The junior Kamigamo quiz was able to give result more than expected. It is the first step of the activation of area to attract many people for such effective idea. However, there is whether the really important thing can find a leader through the events. Or there is whether we can bring up a leader. This is an important point for the continuation of the event and the activation of area. It was so this time, it was the most difficult skill to bring up the person including upbringing of the leader, and I was made again to recognize that it was not possible easily do it.
- 京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報
京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報 7 39-54, 2012-07
京都 : 京都産業大学総合学術研究所
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001337418747392
- NII Article ID
- 110009564067
- NII Book ID
- AA11879037
- 10965/00002998
- 023899067
- 13488465
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles