剣道指導における教材開発に関する研究 -足捌き習得を目指して-

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  • ケンドウ シドウ ニオケル キョウザイ カイハツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ アシサバキ シュウトク オ メザシテ
  • Research into the development of teaching materials for kendo focusing on footwork.



This study attempted to examine a teaching model for kendo footwork with a focus on "suri-ashi" and "fumikomi-ashi". "Suri-ashi" is sliding footwork where the feet are in constant contact with the floor and "fumikomi-ashi" is footwork which includes stamping. The participants in this study were five university students with no prior kendo experience. Two different teaching materials were used. For "suri-ashi" a small towel was used and for "fumikomi-ashi" a hanging ball was introduced. The participants practiced using the methods five times and were recorded on video. Before each practice session a test was carried out to see how much of the skills the participants had retained. In addition, after the last practice session a final test was carried out. The goal of this teaching method is that participants would be able to perform the two types of footwork to a satisfactory level without having to spend a large amount of time practicing. The results of the study were that after each practice session, the participants skill levels increased. It can be concluded from this study that the teaching method was an effective way to teach the two forms of kendo footwork.


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