Application and adaptation of Japanese management and production system in China : Investigation of HONDA and its related enterprises

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  • 日本型経営・生産システムの適用・適応度分析 : 中国におけるホンダおよび関連企業の日本化
  • ニホンガタ ケイエイ セイサン システム ノ テキヨウ テキオウド ブンセキ チュウゴク ニ オケル ホンダ オヨビ カンレン キギョウ ノ ニホンカ

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At overseas Japanese subsidiary plants, Japanese management and production system is applied. However many problems, such as local laborers' level and consciousness, are taken into consideration, in the present condition, it is necessary to make it adapted for a local production system. This research is an investigation how the Japanese management and production system are applied in HONDA and its related enterprises in China. Investigation and analysis were performed based on the "hybrid (Application-adaptation) evaluation model" which is proposed by Japanese Multinational Enterprise Study Group. The investigation method has the method of investigating directly and a method by the questionnaire, to overseas Japanese subsidiary plants. In this paper, we employed the method by the questionnaire. In this investigation, replies were able to be obtained from 2 automobile assembly plants and 24 auto parts plants. In this paper, we analyze 12 items based on a hybrid evaluation model from among the questionnaire survey result.


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