

  • The prevalence of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia in Japanese women and the recommendation to prevent and control them
  • ワガクニ ニ オケル テツケツボウ テツケツボウセイ ヒンケツ ジョセイ ノ ゾウカ ト エイヨウ



Iron is an essential metal required as a cofactor in proteins that transfer electrons and maintain systemic oxygen delivery to produce generous ATP for quality of life. Data of Japan National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Database of deferral rate in 400ml blood donation from Japanese Red Cross revealed that one fourth of women menstruating in twenties to forties has indisputably iron-deficiency anemia and more than a half of them were in iron deficiency state. The evidence resulted from their recurrent blood loss through enstruation, insufficient dietary iron intake, or both. To replenish their body iron shortage, it is urgently needed to let them recognize the present evidence and improve their nutrient supply. Moreover, The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor should take some definite actions to keep the nation-wide healthcare.


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