A study on career development support for midwives : career satisfaction and hopes to organizations on midwifery alumni

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  • 助産師のキャリア発達支援に関する研究 : 助産学同窓会員のキャリア満足度と組織への希望
  • ジョサンシ ノ キャリア ハッタツ シエン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ジョサンガク ドウソウ カイイン ノ マンゾクド ト ソシキ エノ キボウ

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The present study aimed to clarify the career path of midwives, degrees of career satisfaction, and hopes of midwives for the future of organizations such as alumni associations, universities and medical centers, and to provide specific support to the members of a midwifery alumni association. We postalmailed an anonymous self-reporting questionnaire to members and effective responses were received from 45 (40.9%) alumni. The findings showed that 24 (53.3%) alumni were satisfied with their careers for the following four reasons given in free descriptions: "a sense of fulfilment and advancement from quality learning and experiences", "specialized work", "realization of an imagined career", and "realization of work-life balance. The respondents hoped that the alumni association would, "present effective lectures and workshops", "strengthen connections among alumni", and "continue and develop alumni activities". These findings suggest that the midwifery alumni association that comprises professionals who play active roles in various locations should assume a mediating role between clinical practice and further education to support midwives in developing their careers.


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