A Study on Aspectual Affix te-ir-u in Japanese


  • Study on Aspectual Affix tu ir u in Japanese



The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate that for the proper analysis of V1 + te + V2 combination of Japanese verbs it is essential to regard the first verb in the conjunctive form as a Base Verb or BV and then classify the second verb of this combination as an Aspectual Affix or AA, that combination BV + AA behaves likes a single unit and that AA does not take its own arguments. I argue that by examining structure BV + AA as a single unit I can explicate not only the properties of AAs, but also which argument(s) V1 or BV of the structure BV + AA take(s), if I examine the interaction among three AAs such as teiru, tearu and teoku which are connected with BVs.


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