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  • ナガノ ボンチ ノ ジバン コウゾウ ト ジョウジ ビドウ ノ ホウコウセイ
  • The Directivity of Particle Motion of Microtremors in the Nagano-basin.

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The observations of microtremors were made in the Nagano-basin, where 192 locations were taken at the mesh of intervals of about 1 km. Wave motions in NS, EW, and UD components were compared between records due to the period of 2 sec. and 10 sec. seismometers. Particle orbits of surface motion were depicted from NS and EW components of microtremors. The predominant movement showing the directivity of the northeast-southwest or the northwest-southeast was rather clear in long period records than short period records. It seems to be attrilbuted to the underground structure in the Nagano-basin.


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